The USS IREX SS-482 Newsletter

History of the IREX SS-482 Newsletter

The USS Irex SS-482 Newsletter was founded by Ron Liles (USS Irex 1945–1948), and he remained its editor until he went on eternal patrol in 2000.

Wally “Russian” Krupenevich (USS Irex 1951–1952) had assisted Ron with editing and contributed articles from 1994 to 2000. In January 1999 he became editor and continued until his death in June of 2007.

Al Hahn (USS Irex 1957–1960) and his wife Terry became the editors of the USS Irex SS482 Newsletter in June 2007.

Purpose of the USS IREX SS-482 Newsletter

To keep the memory of the USS IREX and its crew alive

Terry and Al Hahn

The IREX SS-482 Newsletter is usually published twice a year and goes out to a mailing list of over 300 former IREX sailors. The associated expenses are born by informal voluntary contributions.

If you do not get the IREX SS-482 Newsletter

If you are a former IREX crew member and do not get the IREX SS-482 Newsletter, contact Al and Terry Hahn by either e-mail or postal letter. E-mail address is; postal letter address is:

Al and Terry Hahn
93 North Granby Road
Granby, CT 06035-2002

Please indicate USS IREX on subject line of your e-mail.

In your message for either e-mail or postal letter, include your full name, the dates (month and year) that you served aboard the USS IREX (the best you can recall), your rank when on the boat, the name of the boat on which you qualified and the date of qualification, present e-mail address as well as present postal address and your telephone number. Please indicate where you got our name, i.e., USS IREX website, etc.

If you are getting the IREX SS-482 Newsletter

If you presently receive the IREX SS-482 Newsletter, it is important that you notify us of any changes in your postal or e-mail addresses. This will ensure continued delivery of the newsletter as well as notification of reunions and miscellaneous information sent to shipmates by e-mail.

USS IREX SS-482 Reunions

Contact Al and Terry Hahn, Reunion Coordinators, regarding USS IREX reunions.

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